New Orleans engagement photographer
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When someone sends me an inquiry I like to ask a lot of questions. I want to know that we are a good fit and that you will appreciate the moments I capture. I like to know what makes you YOU, to know your story. What do you like to do on a Saturday night? What strikes a light in your soul? What do you want to remember? When these two said they wanted to do their engagement photos at home, cooking a meal together, I was pretty much ecstatic. YES. A million times YES. This first image is my favorite from the day, because, well…how could it not be?
Nick and Shelly were an absolutely perfect fit. They like to cook together. So that’s what we did. And, did I mention, that they cooked for US?! Engagement session plus dinner? Yes please. And, the Shrimp and Grits they prepared was pretty fantastic!
And then…there’s this. After dinner we made our way to the park to enjoy sunset, and, as you can see, the serious side of Nick and Shelly’s relationship is just as beautiful as the playful side.
Nick’s face says it all. Smitten. Content. The face of someone who just KNOWS. He will have her back for the rest of his life. Right there. Just like this. No question’s asked. It doesn’t get more authentic than this.
Their’s is one of those weddings that I can’t help but look forward to. One of the ones where the love is beyond apparent, and there’s not a doubt that the best is yet to come.
For more information on booking me as your New Orleans Engagement Photographer click HERE!